Vortex Stats




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Release Notes

Issue # Description
13031901 Feature (Stats): Added ability to navigate stats via right and left arrow keys.
13031101 Bug Fix (Graph): Daylight savings bug causing logs to pull 8 days instead of 7 days for graphing.
12030702 Removed (Core): Removed listing for countries.
12030701 Update (Keywords): Expanded our ability to auto detect search keywords.
11053101 Release (Core): Version 2.5 was released, caching was introduced to allow major speed improvements on load times.
07070201 Release (Core): Version 2.0 was released, new improved graphing, moved from SQLite to MySQL database.
03041501 Release (Core): Version 1.5 was released, Premium Features Introduced.
02112501 Release (Core): Version 1.0 was released, Based off pStats moved to PHP code base.